But the realization of true silver sound came about when Leslie passed me a pair of Stage III Magnus silver RCA interconnect. To say I was flabbergasted was very much an understatement as my precious investment in AQ seems overvalued. More so, if I were to compare the Stealth Cloude Nine speaker cables to my AQ DBS Mont Blanc.
You might have to adjust your expectation and try to bring up the level to the sub 6K cables. Maybe sub 7K as the Mont Blanc is retailing at RM7K plus the last I checked. We are not talking about DIY silver or copper, but properly R&D-ed and handsomely built cables.
The AQ is the brand that brought me the glimpse of hi-end while Stealth elevated the clarity of that glimpse. The moment I replaced the MB with the C9, everything seems smaller. Nope, not laid back or masked, but just smaller. On further listening, it was revealed to me that the instruments and vocals just snapped into focus with solidified imaging and eerie layering.
While the AQ has ample of drive and robustness, the Stealth is, on the other hand, very civilized and composed. Still, do not get laid back in the picture as it is very much not the case! The Stealth digs deep and lifted more veil, scary thought as the Mont Blanc has already done a great job in this department. In fact, the Stealth has got the uncanny ability to convey the true tonal texture and color of instruments!
With female vocals, they are smooth yet flamboyantly fleshed out, never edgy nor coarse. One would wonder with such civilized presentation, the Stealth would be slow. NEVER! Upon extended listening, the Stealth has got better leading edge transient. Highs, though softer than AQ’s bold presentation, goes up high with sweet trailing decay. The lows goes deeper, more defined with very much tactility within! There’s just a stout sense of palpability and articulation within the music presentation that is so intoxicating with both the Stage III and Stealth!
Upon switching back to AQ only I realized what is so enthralling about silver, in this case, the Stealth! While the AQ is able to transport the musicians to your room with vivid and forward presentation, the Stealth is able to diffuse the direct force of instruments. Please, it’s not laid back, but the aural sense of live-ness, the venue information was somehow attenuated with AQ but brilliantly reproduced with the Stealth!
To some, the AQ would be prime choice for them with rock and pop songs. For me, where tonal color and tonal texture reign supremacy, the Stealth leads miles ahead!
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