Yesterday, I got a bonus which makes me a bit richer.
Today, the petrol price goes up 30 cents.
WTF, in this case, work another 10 years also we end up paying the government lar!
It's OK to pay them as long as they do their work and make this place of ours a better place to live.
But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! They won't even let you sleep properly! They build mosques here and there and here and there. Oh, this place looks nice, and it's still empty, let's build another mosque! WTF, there's already another one a few blocks down!
Build you build lar, but why the fuck you have to play your prayers so loud?! Well, if you use ARC + AQ + ProAc, and the prayer has got soundstage, layering and imaging, then at least I can polish up my listening skills.
But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! They use PA system and scream their prayers at you full blast!
Oh, they widen the roads not for better traffic flow, but for them to parallel park along the roads for their prayers. Fuiyo, this is what we pay them for?!
Anyway, I am selling my cars now. Who wants to buy?
Low mileage, immaculate condition, manufacturer's service history, nice number plates!
If you take both the Avanza and the MyVi, I give you good discount!
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
Ah, Cloude 9 again!
I was exposed to silver when I was in Form 2, back then, I did not remember any brand that come up with pure silver cables. It was mostly silver plated. What struck me was how "airy" it could be with additional highs and sibilance.

But the realization of true silver sound came about when Leslie passed me a pair of Stage III Magnus silver RCA interconnect. To say I was flabbergasted was very much an understatement as my precious investment in AQ seems overvalued. More so, if I were to compare the Stealth Cloude Nine speaker cables to my AQ DBS Mont Blanc.
You might have to adjust your expectation and try to bring up the level to the sub 6K cables. Maybe sub 7K as the Mont Blanc is retailing at RM7K plus the last I checked. We are not talking about DIY silver or copper, but properly R&D-ed and handsomely built cables.
The AQ is the brand that brought me the glimpse of hi-end while Stealth elevated the clarity of that glimpse. The moment I replaced the MB with the C9, everything seems smaller. Nope, not laid back or masked, but just smaller. On further listening, it was revealed to me that the instruments and vocals just snapped into focus with solidified imaging and eerie layering.
While the AQ has ample of drive and robustness, the Stealth is, on the other hand, very civilized and composed. Still, do not get laid back in the picture as it is very much not the case! The Stealth digs deep and lifted more veil, scary thought as the Mont Blanc has already done a great job in this department. In fact, the Stealth has got the uncanny ability to convey the true tonal texture and color of instruments!
With female vocals, they are smooth yet flamboyantly fleshed out, never edgy nor coarse. One would wonder with such civilized presentation, the Stealth would be slow. NEVER! Upon extended listening, the Stealth has got better leading edge transient. Highs, though softer than AQ’s bold presentation, goes up high with sweet trailing decay. The lows goes deeper, more defined with very much tactility within! There’s just a stout sense of palpability and articulation within the music presentation that is so intoxicating with both the Stage III and Stealth!
Upon switching back to AQ only I realized what is so enthralling about silver, in this case, the Stealth! While the AQ is able to transport the musicians to your room with vivid and forward presentation, the Stealth is able to diffuse the direct force of instruments. Please, it’s not laid back, but the aural sense of live-ness, the venue information was somehow attenuated with AQ but brilliantly reproduced with the Stealth!
To some, the AQ would be prime choice for them with rock and pop songs. For me, where tonal color and tonal texture reign supremacy, the Stealth leads miles ahead!

But the realization of true silver sound came about when Leslie passed me a pair of Stage III Magnus silver RCA interconnect. To say I was flabbergasted was very much an understatement as my precious investment in AQ seems overvalued. More so, if I were to compare the Stealth Cloude Nine speaker cables to my AQ DBS Mont Blanc.
You might have to adjust your expectation and try to bring up the level to the sub 6K cables. Maybe sub 7K as the Mont Blanc is retailing at RM7K plus the last I checked. We are not talking about DIY silver or copper, but properly R&D-ed and handsomely built cables.
The AQ is the brand that brought me the glimpse of hi-end while Stealth elevated the clarity of that glimpse. The moment I replaced the MB with the C9, everything seems smaller. Nope, not laid back or masked, but just smaller. On further listening, it was revealed to me that the instruments and vocals just snapped into focus with solidified imaging and eerie layering.
While the AQ has ample of drive and robustness, the Stealth is, on the other hand, very civilized and composed. Still, do not get laid back in the picture as it is very much not the case! The Stealth digs deep and lifted more veil, scary thought as the Mont Blanc has already done a great job in this department. In fact, the Stealth has got the uncanny ability to convey the true tonal texture and color of instruments!
With female vocals, they are smooth yet flamboyantly fleshed out, never edgy nor coarse. One would wonder with such civilized presentation, the Stealth would be slow. NEVER! Upon extended listening, the Stealth has got better leading edge transient. Highs, though softer than AQ’s bold presentation, goes up high with sweet trailing decay. The lows goes deeper, more defined with very much tactility within! There’s just a stout sense of palpability and articulation within the music presentation that is so intoxicating with both the Stage III and Stealth!
Upon switching back to AQ only I realized what is so enthralling about silver, in this case, the Stealth! While the AQ is able to transport the musicians to your room with vivid and forward presentation, the Stealth is able to diffuse the direct force of instruments. Please, it’s not laid back, but the aural sense of live-ness, the venue information was somehow attenuated with AQ but brilliantly reproduced with the Stealth!
To some, the AQ would be prime choice for them with rock and pop songs. For me, where tonal color and tonal texture reign supremacy, the Stealth leads miles ahead!
Friday, February 24, 2006
Wise up lar, Malaysian audiophiles!
It's a sad thing to see Malaysian audiophiles giving away the much envied opportunities of trying, getting and appreciating better audio equipments and accessories. In our slow moving audio market, the dealers are more than willing to push their products and giving better terms. With some credentials, it is not hard to get hooked up with some arrangements of home audition and payment terms. Of course, if you have the genuine intention of purchasing in the first place.
With some genuine dealers around lending some helpful hands over your upgrade path, it's hard to understand why many still moan over the harsh pricing of established brands which could deliver. Even if the pricing seems a bit intimidating, not due to over pricing but more due to weak ringgit, there are still plentiful of more economical pre-owned gears lying aroung down under. Even after the so called 'tax', it's still way cheaper.
I still remembered how I got started and tried many tried-and-tested-but-never-achieved-any-better paths, and yet, many still embrace them with many lame excuses. It's fine that you follow whatever suits the size of your wallet, but it is NOT fine to corrupt young minds trying to get into the hobby. What's worse is that the so-frequently used terms in audio were never fully understood and yet, many still treat it as a pride to explain them to the newbies, without the slightest hint of blush!
Malaysia is an interesting country to be in with so many driving Protons who dare to ask the Ferrari owners how the Ferraris handle. What's more? They would suggest with slight modifications, the Protons is able to achieve near Porsche handling and performance calibre. Well, even a 3 years old is wise enough to prefer Porsche/Ferraris over Proton, and yet, many grown ups still enjoy the ostrich mentality!
It's sad to see many self proclaimed gurus in Malaysia mis-educating the yound minds and enjoy a hell lot of talk cock sing song sessions! I tried and tried to help enlighten the helpless and yet, it's sad to see, if anyone, being able to be enlightened. And it's always more comfortable to be with the ostriches coz you don't feel any lesser than them.
Come on Malaysian audiophiles, you deserve better than this!
With some genuine dealers around lending some helpful hands over your upgrade path, it's hard to understand why many still moan over the harsh pricing of established brands which could deliver. Even if the pricing seems a bit intimidating, not due to over pricing but more due to weak ringgit, there are still plentiful of more economical pre-owned gears lying aroung down under. Even after the so called 'tax', it's still way cheaper.
I still remembered how I got started and tried many tried-and-tested-but-never-achieved-any-better paths, and yet, many still embrace them with many lame excuses. It's fine that you follow whatever suits the size of your wallet, but it is NOT fine to corrupt young minds trying to get into the hobby. What's worse is that the so-frequently used terms in audio were never fully understood and yet, many still treat it as a pride to explain them to the newbies, without the slightest hint of blush!
Malaysia is an interesting country to be in with so many driving Protons who dare to ask the Ferrari owners how the Ferraris handle. What's more? They would suggest with slight modifications, the Protons is able to achieve near Porsche handling and performance calibre. Well, even a 3 years old is wise enough to prefer Porsche/Ferraris over Proton, and yet, many grown ups still enjoy the ostrich mentality!
It's sad to see many self proclaimed gurus in Malaysia mis-educating the yound minds and enjoy a hell lot of talk cock sing song sessions! I tried and tried to help enlighten the helpless and yet, it's sad to see, if anyone, being able to be enlightened. And it's always more comfortable to be with the ostriches coz you don't feel any lesser than them.
Come on Malaysian audiophiles, you deserve better than this!
Friday, February 17, 2006
Thursday, February 16, 2006
What do you want lar?
Just the other day, a girl friend of mine told me this, “could you be more serious? I have moved pass the joking years lar.” So I said to her, “why change me? You knew it since the beginning I am that way one mar! I am already like that lar, how to change?” Of course she meant it in a good way, but I was surprised that what was initially an attraction could change into annoyance, nuisance or frustration.
Look at some of these:
“He’s always in control, how confident!” Would become “Hey, stop controlling my life!”
“He is decisive, I let him decide all the time!” Would become “Hey, why do I always have to listen to yours?!”
“He is kind, caring and generous to everyone around him!” Would become “Hey, don’t you think you are a bit too kind to your young Ms. Assistant?”
“He is so funny!” Would become “Hey, can you be serious when I talk to you?!”
Can’t you girls have a singular standard and just follow that from start till end? It’s just plain sick to see those attractions that you found in him all turned sour after marriage or after a long relationship!
Sorry lar, I am like that one, cannot change oready.
Look at some of these:
“He’s always in control, how confident!” Would become “Hey, stop controlling my life!”
“He is decisive, I let him decide all the time!” Would become “Hey, why do I always have to listen to yours?!”
“He is kind, caring and generous to everyone around him!” Would become “Hey, don’t you think you are a bit too kind to your young Ms. Assistant?”
“He is so funny!” Would become “Hey, can you be serious when I talk to you?!”
Can’t you girls have a singular standard and just follow that from start till end? It’s just plain sick to see those attractions that you found in him all turned sour after marriage or after a long relationship!
Sorry lar, I am like that one, cannot change oready.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy Valentine's Day
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Mags and some 2 cents
CLEO has got the best feature articles and cohesive theme/color/arrangement thru out the mag. Reading it for years since college years in OZ.
Elle Singapore, used to be nice as you get to know what's IN down under. But since Jan, they've got some new sections and stuff that I'm still trying to figure out why the hell they're there in the first place!
Marie Claire seems detached with parts done by different editorial teams, at least it looks that way to me. Oh, the ads drive me crazy!
FEMALE is for accessories whore! If you suffer from compulsive buying disorder, buy this and start buying stuff featured. At least you'll end up in building up a commendable accessory collections rather than some other lesser useful stuff.
Noteworthy is Seventeen, why? Coz my sis is reading it and she's got exquisite taste. Hehe...
Cosmo is altogether a diff league!
Elle Singapore, used to be nice as you get to know what's IN down under. But since Jan, they've got some new sections and stuff that I'm still trying to figure out why the hell they're there in the first place!
Marie Claire seems detached with parts done by different editorial teams, at least it looks that way to me. Oh, the ads drive me crazy!
FEMALE is for accessories whore! If you suffer from compulsive buying disorder, buy this and start buying stuff featured. At least you'll end up in building up a commendable accessory collections rather than some other lesser useful stuff.
Noteworthy is Seventeen, why? Coz my sis is reading it and she's got exquisite taste. Hehe...
Cosmo is altogether a diff league!
Let’s see, since when did I start reading magazines? I remembered my mom was an ardent Her World follower for many years. My cousin sister was fervent on overseas magazines which I was too young to even remember their names. I, for one, was an enthusiastic young audiophile following Audio and What HiFi for many years.
My college years were not so filled with magazines, though not until the final year when I started reading CLEO and Cosmo, again. Apart from that, since I was crazy in street skating back then, agro inline skating mags kept accompanied for a while.
When I was back in Malaysia, somehow, I just stopped reading and started living a zombie life with no aim and passion. It’s like I was waiting for my time to come to return down under, Australia. Then some incidents took place and life just started turning for the better for me and I was not too sure of returning down under anymore.
Yeah rite, friends always questioned me when I said so, “return?” they asked. Sorry, somehow, “return” seems to be a more natural way of putting it when the more appropriate word should be “going to”, and even “going back” seems out of context, too. Is this my tendency of relating myself more towards positive subjects, things I like or things I wish I could be part of?
Was it because of those overwhelming TV series that make us so craved for a dramatic life or deep down, we have the native instinct of conquering the worst and prove ourselves worthy of living?
Is reading magazine a part of my exit to the uncertain future or was I too aimless in life to use magazines to peep into others’ lives or troubles? Or magazines are something to drive me on with dreams and passion with stuff that I wish I could own and attain?
My college years were not so filled with magazines, though not until the final year when I started reading CLEO and Cosmo, again. Apart from that, since I was crazy in street skating back then, agro inline skating mags kept accompanied for a while.
When I was back in Malaysia, somehow, I just stopped reading and started living a zombie life with no aim and passion. It’s like I was waiting for my time to come to return down under, Australia. Then some incidents took place and life just started turning for the better for me and I was not too sure of returning down under anymore.
Yeah rite, friends always questioned me when I said so, “return?” they asked. Sorry, somehow, “return” seems to be a more natural way of putting it when the more appropriate word should be “going to”, and even “going back” seems out of context, too. Is this my tendency of relating myself more towards positive subjects, things I like or things I wish I could be part of?
Was it because of those overwhelming TV series that make us so craved for a dramatic life or deep down, we have the native instinct of conquering the worst and prove ourselves worthy of living?
Is reading magazine a part of my exit to the uncertain future or was I too aimless in life to use magazines to peep into others’ lives or troubles? Or magazines are something to drive me on with dreams and passion with stuff that I wish I could own and attain?
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