Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Wah, you into audio as well?

Today, I spoke to a colleague who is into audio as well. He was telling me about the price he got his KEF Q7, that's what I remember I heard, floorstanders and some cables he's got. And also he complained on the binding posts of his KEF in normal, bland bare metal, saying that all his cables are in gold plated termination. Also, he mentioned many brands of cables he bought and only one I could remember, which is the 1K plus Fadel Art digital cable. And how cheap he could get the KEF center speaker for RM4K and ways of getting it back from Singapore, e.g. bribe and some bullshit.

Sometimes, I really do not know what these guys are looking into when they buy hi-fi stuff. As for this guy, he is into home theater. Do they know what is tonality? How could you mix all the cables in a home theater setup when the most important aspect is tonal uniformity?

Is this all about bragging and enjoying it in front of those whom you talk to? I know I know, it feels good to brag it in front of others, but what about the most important thing going into this hobby? If it does not sound good, what's the point of spending so much? Just to look good?!

I feel good too when I mention my setup to others, but I seldom do this now knowing so few who share the same passion. Yes, mentioning figures makes me more superior than the peers, but others are not dumb, air of bragging does not make you a well-liked person.

So, I tried to keep my cool and let him have the stage.

1 comment:

maggielurva 愛美姬 said...

chinese has a proverb - you have to fight the cold the higher you climb. and i can see that you are now feeling the "coldness".

short of sounding elitist, there are tons of audiophiles out there who are groping in the dark. this is especially true in the context of malaysian audiophiles. i don't know why we are so backward in everything. in cantonese, we call them - "but chee sor wai".

so, separate yourself from the turkeys and soar like an eagle, even if it means it is a lonely path out there...