Anyway, I end up having 2 bottles with me when I leave the mall.

A new fragrance from Calvin Klein, Eternity for Men Summer series. Launched not even a month, well, soft launch actually as CK has not really had their promo going. Very sweet, sunny and lively smell. Something nice for casual dinner.

Now this is sophisticated! Very strong in personality, independant and mature! Very good for guys high up in the corporate ladder! At least that is how the fragrance smells like to me.
I discovered this when I was changing in Fitness First. I am on full alert whenever I am in the changing room, you know especially in fitness centre with all the well built, huge and strong males around. No no, I am not afraid of them assualting me, but don't you find their bodies attractive? Especially those who have just finished their shower with water still dripping from their chest and biceps! Omigod!
Oh shit, got too carried away. Anyway, I sniffed this really cool smell and was looking around. Then I found this hairy guy with well built chest and huge arms, alrite, I'll spare you from the rest of his body. I asked him what's on him and he showed me the bottle exactly on the picture.
I was captivated by the fragrance! From such a simple bottle, no nonsense packaging and design! I am all over it!

When I was on my way to the cashier, this bottle caught my full attention. So I asked for a try. My my, this is exactly the kinda smell I wish I could find on girls! Very intellectual and outgoing, yet mystical. Very friendly but keeping you at a distance, very very attractive!
Kenzo Summer it is! But I got no one to buy this for!
1 comment:
I love CK perfume...
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