an imagined event or sequence of mental images, such as a daydream, usually fulfilling a wish or psychological need, yet unrestricted by reality
Idolization, on the other hand, carries the following meaning:
the act of admiring strongly
There is a strong line for us males between fantasy and idolization, we do not "touch" our idol in anyway, be it in daydreams or wet dreams. Or at least for me.
Why do we idolize in the first place?
To quote from Leslie, "idolisation is a form of self-fulfillment and escapism - your idols are normally people who have skills/looks/abilities that you don't/can't have"
Hence, our idol is part of ourselves, or at least what we hope we could be. Can you imagine "touching" yourself? Yucks, me pervert!
So, with the above information, let's have some solid and physical examples.

The person that I admire most, even until today is a female DJ from 903. I have been listening to her since my uni year. And it makes me more vulnerable to know that she is the same age as I am, shame on me!
When you listen to her, you know she's well read, well learnt and well exposed! Ops, by expose I do not mean expose physically, but rather knowledge wise. But then, with her well endowed body and delicate skin, I DO NOT mind her being exposed in front of me. (good me: "NO, NO, must control myself, NO, I cannot do this! She is my idol! Argghghghhh, help me...")
OK, OK, I am back normal again. (bad me: "NO, you could not lock me up, I will break free one day! Muahahahaha...") Back to our topic, you could not help yourself but to enjoy her wit and charm in her programmes. The most brilliant thing that she has done is she created 2 pseudo characters with her own voice, one being the brother while the other being the younger sister. What she did was to lay her lesson learnt, knowledge, viewpoint and sarcasm within the conversations between the 2 characters! How cool is that?!
To know how much I admire her? I actually go all the way to get her autograph in HK. She was shocked to find herself a fan outside of HK. She wrote "thanks KC, you make me feel so international!" Cool eh?!

Then, what's in it for fantasy?! (bad me: "muahahahaha... I am free! I am free! It's my turn, my turn!") You know what I saw during the recent PC Fair? Girls in uniform with high heels playing the dancing machine in front of me? Girls with bra top and bareback dress as short as can be? Nah, normal stuff!
What I saw was a promo, no, not porno, girl licking and indulging herself in her lollipop! Omigod! How wild more a fantasy could a guy ask to see with his bare naked eyes?! That really made my day! Oooooooooohhhh... the sensation could still be felt! (bad me: "muahahahahaha, I have fully taken over! Muahahahaha...")
So, is the line clear?!
keep your dreams alive, young man.
remember that i told you about my friend's 75-year-old mum, the one who like S.H.E? i think i will be like her when i am 75!
it is sad that many people bogged down by the rat race don't even have dreams.
no dreams is ok, the worst is no fantasy!
how one lives without fantasy?!
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