Friday, March 10, 2006

Laws of Attraction

Spent the day idling at home listening to music and watching some reruns on Astro.

Kinda silly whenever I was forced to take leave, coz I feel so aimless and there is no sense of existence.

Anyway, watched Laws of Attraction again and this movie never failed to touch me, anytime. Maybe it's Pierce's suave gentlemanly style, or maybe it's Julianne's intelligent yet fragile manner. I don't know, but I could not deny how successful the director portrayed love in such simple and fluid manner. You can't fail to feel the flow of affections and chemistry thru out the movie.

And the director has intelligently put away and avoided the financial side of making a relationship work. Yes, we have heard endless fairytales with "they live happily ever after" endings, coz getting into the gory dirty details of day in day out life would just kill your appetite for anything.

Yes, we can have attractions and affections. But the law to it is whether you could feed yourself in the first place!

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