Sorry guys, this is a "blowing my own horn" posting. Spoke to some idiots and got really furious!
I hate it when I am right, I hate it when I am right and I have to fork out marnie to acquire them! And the part I hate most is I was never wrong with cables. It is like an ability born within me, like I am able to sniff the good cables out of the rotten ones!
Months ago, you heard me going gaga over the Harmonic Tech Fantasy power cord. Then later you heard me going gaga over the Stealth Cloude 9 Full power cord. Both prime examples of copper and silver cables out there.
Please, this is heavy stuff! It's not like I earn a million a year and I can splurge on cables without reservation! It's even tougher when I am buying without pre-purchase home trial sometimes. Some idiots even think that I have contacts that I could get them at cheaper price and flaunt about all my cables! Let me tell ya this, we are talking about cables that cost more than a decent Japanese 29" TV, cheaper also it's not that cheap actually!
People who know me know I worship AQ and would recommend any newbies to get at least a decent AQ in their setup. I was lucky back then to have Leslie and Yong to advise me on a good head start. I took the Python back home and was since then a loyal AQ believer. Even until today, I cursed myself to have sold the Python in desperation to upgrade to their better DBS series.
Then came Stage III with their pure silver Magnus that awed my jaw to the floor with what silver could do. Since then, I was in the look out for affordable pure silver products to elevate my setup. Then I found Stealth, a newcomer with impressive pure silver products, and at a slightly lower price tag.
Stealth is very much more civilized than Stage III with a deeper stage and lesser drive factor. I would never use the word laid back as the word always reminds me of "DULL". Even lesser drive here means not as forward and robust. Please, stop making me explain myself, if you do not know what I mean, listen a few more years. And of course, listen with better gears.
If memories serves me rite, Magnus has got a deep stage and a very cohesive fore and aft transition. The Panther is all about drive and forwardness. So, imagine how exciting it was for Python as Panther has tamed down quite a fair bit with the new DBS implementation. Still, copper is copper, they lack absolute tonal texture and density. Silver, OTOH, is fast, pure, tonally rich and substantially densed!
Let me elaborate a bit, robustness, forwardness and drive does not necessarily mean the cable is fast. They can be mutually exclusive when you play at a higher turf. Even I discovered this recently with more exposures to silver products.
OK, after blowing a horn for so long, when am I gonna talk about HT Magic? Keep it cool man, without the foundation on what copper sounds like and silver sounds like, you are not going to have the slightest idea on what I am going to say.

The HT Magic builds around blending copper and silver. Sorry ar, I am not sure also whether they actually blend both or run them separately or blend them and run them separately at the same time, as even the web site is also very secretive about their structures.
On first run, they sound harsh and sharp. But funnily, they settled pretty fast and retained at that even after I've removed them to have a closer look and drool at their sexy purple body with dark mesh outer jacket.
Once settled, I have to admit the sound was not anything close to what I would have expected. They surpassed my expectation and came in as a surprise bonus! With the Fantasy as the resident power cord feeding my RGPC 400MKII, I was expecting a much softer and civilized presentation. How wrong was I to have overlooked that the Magic was constructed with copper and silver.
It strikes the perfect balance in having the robustness of copper and still being able to give a richly densed imaging. Although it lacks absolute cohesiveness of silver, it makes it up by giving the forwardness of copper. AQ Panther is able to give strong outlines of instruments but lacks the density of giving the instruments proper body. Stage III Magnus gives a stronger sense of density and more colorful tonal textures. HT Magic sits in between with weighty body and robust presentation.
At almost the same price point as the Panther, I would say the Magic is ahead of what AQ has to offer. And giving such performance at this price point, I think it's really hard for the competitors to come close.
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