Yesterday was a happy day for me as 2 friends visited me to listen to my simple setup. Ping Onn and Leslie were there in Puchong early on while I was stucked with the boss in the meeting room.
Anyway, Ping Onn wants to know how a setup would sound in a small room. Well, among all the audiophiles, I guess I have one of the smallest room! Leslie can be called my sifu in my audio journey as he has guided me well and exposed me to setups that I could never dream of having a chance to listen to.
Just listen to Leslie's setup would bring you cloud nine with the to-die-for tonality and musicality! Well, as you would have guessed, I, like Leslie, believe that tonality is the utmost trait in any setup! What good it makes if the setup has great soundstage but the instruments are sounding weird?
You know what seperates the men from the boys? Experience and skills! Leslie was able to elevate the performance of my setup with just one suggestion! You call this luck?! No way! I was shocked, really, to have had such great potential in front of me, but never to be able to fully tap on it!
By just moving the Shun Mook down, slightly higher than my speaker height and in the middle, I was surprised to find the focus, outline and delineation of the image could be so sharp and precise! Everything just pops out in life!
Leslie, you are the man!
Hey man, I am really thankful to you! I am able to have such good sound is all from your great help!
i don't want to please you to make you like me more but your system is good.
listening to the proac ref 8 really makes LS3/5a inconsequential. it is like, wake up, guys, technology has moved on, you too have to move on.
seriously i like your system a lot.
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