I really consider myself lucky, and I really really really mean it. Being a nobody coming to a big city like KL, I was blessed with good will and friends.
I didn't know Emi Fujita was coming until Cheah of Inter Global sms-ed me about it. Though I know it would be packed and though I went to Hard Rock earlier, I was really blessed to know Cheah whom arranged me to sit just next to the stage. I could actually touch the pianist during the performance!
Even during my star chasing years, I was glad to know Lum Sir, the man behind all the bouncers. I was able to get close and personal with a lot of artists and singers, leaving many green with envy. Now, Lum Sir is the boss of one event management company dealing with many high profile performances.
I was blessed to have known many audiophiles, and some acquainted thru some audiophile mutual friends. They opened my eyes to possibilities in live, to see what one could achieve for themselves by working hard and setting goals! Just like what Steven Chow would say, “If one does not have dreams, one does not differ from salted fish!” Which I totally agree!
I am one of those guys who always treat a cup as half empty when it is actually half filled. I always strive to have the cup filled, when the cup is full, I would then strive for bigger cup. I know, guys being hard wired to make every effort for glory and fame would never fail to look for “er” behind BIG, FAST and LONG. Better still, to have “est” behind every word!
It's just like peeping around in the toilet in hope to be the bolder, longer and bigger one. Well, except that for malehood, there is very little that could be done to it. But financially, I guess every male on earth is doing their best to achieve better. Better for the spouse, better for the children and better for the family.
But then, there are also people who are so easily contented. Always feeling full when the cup is only half filled. I don't know, I am not them and maybe I have a hard to satisfy thirst for anything better. Sometimes, I just feel bad for them.
Human evolves, and evolution is what tells us apart from trees hanging orang utans. Hence, being a male, I always feel it's part of our live and responsibility to provide better things for the family. Call me superficial, call me an egoistic idiot, call me whatever you like. But seeing some friends remaining the way they were just makes me feel bad for them.
I ain't no fuckin' egocentric, but are they really happy in being what they are? Or have they been self deceiving for so long a time until they could not even tell if they are really satisfied in their current state? I mean, when one speaks of better things and you just could not chip in, how does that feel? I do not know about others, but for me, I ain't no doing nothing to just leave things to fate!
Do they really feel that's it for their lives or do they have no intention of improving or are they ain't having what it takes to improve? To progress? In this world of ours today, everyone has equal opportunity to get better! Heck, some rich tycoons don't even have a degree. So, stop telling me you are under-educated. And heck, some tycoons even have a PhD. It's not about what you have, it's about what you are doing to improve your situation!
I know I am blessed with a good living and I am counting my good blessing for not to take them for granted. I ain't no cocky bastard to be flaunting around and despising everyone whom I deem way inferior to even be qualified to be living as human being. I just feel that you owe it to yourself to attain better things.

So, when Emi Fujita asked which songs I liked most, I answered, “gee, it's tough for me and really unfair for you as every song is equally great!” she smiled. So, I helped a friend to get Emi's autograph on all his CDs and suddenly he felt the CDs sounded much better. So, I even approached the accompanying guitarist and pianist to get their autographs and praised them for their performance so as to not make them feel left out. So, I also shook hand with the Japanese PR and thanked her so she would feel appreciated for her translation effort.
So, I have done so many good deeds, do I get to keep my good blessing for a little bit longer?
well said ! i dont understand as well,why ppl enjoy a miserable life and still giving themselves excuses ...
u r the only one agreeing, many thanks!
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