Yeah, call me superficial, who would not fall for Jennifer Connelly? Tall, sparkling eyes, long hair and just about right proportion, everything to make an intelligent girl!
Anyway, I never enjoyed ghost movie. The eerie sound effects, the dark and creepy passages where you would never know what would pop out and spook you, the horrid scenes of blood and gory death... all these are enough to kill my appetite and left me gazing the ceiling all nite.
Anyway, to my surprise, it's not so much of your run of the mill horror flick. It's about what a single mum went thru to bring up her daughter. And also about how her unhappy childhood had brought damages to her.
It was tough to be a mother to raise her daughter alone and at the same time dealing with her own past and mental state. "There is nothing to be afraid of!" is what she always told her daughter, but being so fragile herself, you felt strongly for her.
Her mental turmoil, her strong spirit and character, her love for her daughter, all make this film better than expected. You would appreciate your mum more!

I felt so strong for her until I bought this book, Psychologist's Notebook. A very well written book with clear classification on mental illnesses accompanied by real life stories, and advices on helping them.
Jennifer, please let me help you!
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