I have been trying to sell my AQ Panthers for months now. Is everyone busy doing their taxes or struggling to afford the outstanding taxes?
I do not know leh, coz I was shocked when Leslie called me telling me that almost the whole world knows about my intention of giving you guys a bargain of the century, yet no one actually asked about it.
The moral of the story:
Do not piss any local reviewers, because they would not publish your ads as it shows their lack of ability to listen let alone afford the things you own.
Do not become among the best at early age as it would rage envy among others to not buy from you just to make you stagnant and not becoming any better.
Do not buy expensive stuff because even if you sell secondhand, the price would still be very prohibitive for the normal crowd to afford.
Anyway, the real moral of the story would be:

Do not even try better rigs if you are mentally/financially not strong. It all started when I brought home a pair of AQ Anaconda which elevated my setup to unexpected level of speed, drive and agility. Wah lau, you guys just have to try this out before you even declare how good your setup is!

I have owned Anaconda’s little brother, Python, for a brief time before buying the replacement, Panther. While retaining the tonal characters of Python, Panther adds refinement and smoothness to the overall performance.

So I decided I must get at least the Anaconda replacement, Cheetah. After calculating high and low, since I am so kiasu, I decided to get the Sky instead. I guess I made the right decision.

Right as in deciding to buy Sky, not as in to have bought the Sky. I know I have not bought the Sky, how do I know it’s right then? Just look at how bad the secondhand market is in Malaysia lar, if I decided to go Cheetah and later want to upgrade hor, I can wait a lifetime to sell the Cheetah lar.
Look, the Panthers are still with me for months after deciding to sell them! Eh, half price of the current brand new price leh, still not a bargain ar?
What you guys want lar, free ar? Cheapskates!
If you try my cables and don’t buy them, I will bring parang to hack you into pieces!
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