So high up and bright, can my career sustain its glow and momentum? I wish I could tell. Just like what Guan told me, if you keep on perfecting yourself and keeping up in pace, there is no way you could loose your grip on your career.
I wish I could tell it in full confidence and pride, but at 26, I am really not that sure! Things just happen so fast and rapid, just when I try to grasp on what's going on, it's already a thing in the past.
You know the feelings, like when everything is so good and generous, you just could not help to succumb to the thought that it might be your worst nightmare the day after tomorrow!
I wish I could grab on and keep up, but life just won't wait for you! You have no time to ease up and enjoy the view. I have no idea at all on what's gonna greet me just around the corner!
Alrite, cut the crap. Must be the pot! Just get in the venue, would cha?!

OK, surprised?! How I manage to get a picture? Well, just have thick skin and act as if you do not know you cannot take pictures in the venue. Just after I got the shot, I was asked to switch off my mobile.
Anyway, I didn't as I was expecting a long distance call from HK. Hehehe...
Oh, I did answer the call halfway and went out. Don't they know that there are important people like me who would just have to receive calls as the whole banking business rely on my expertise to ensure the health level of the application to serve the customers in prompt and responsive manner?
Sorry, I am just not your normal conformist. I have my job to keep in order to earn enough every month so that I got dough left to buy tickets to your performance where you could make some money to sustain your staff who act as if they are oh-so-cultured with the suits and stuff.

Oh, the performance was a great one! But I still could not get the idea of having a piono duo when both of them were playing the same key and notes. But the singing was definitely good! Very strong and powerful!
After attending this event, my perception changed on live music! And the product of this is the depletion of my respect to most of the big mouth audiophiles out there who bring such bad reputation and names to us the few more superior and priviledged gold ears.
Hahahaha, cannot stand ar? I have every intention to make this known to anyone who is reading this and hopefully would spread the words out! How could you guys talk so much cock about the mids, scalling and finesse of your setups when your setups could not even portray the slightest harmonic richness of the piano? It takes full range to get this lar stupid, mids is not all of it lar stupid!
Anyway, I am a sucker for autographs, I cannot help but to get autographs from anyone whom I respect and hold high regards on! Yeah, call me stupid also, I don't care!
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