Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Why? How come? Har?

Do I look stupid or wut?

How come she can say she got a lot of things to do?
I always see her screen filled with MSN and YM!
And I have to do her stuff when she said she got a lot of things to do but can go back earlier than me.

How come she can say she has done all the things to fix the problem but to no avail?
I always see her talking football and chit chating around laughing giggly.
And I took it over and fixed the problem within half a day!

How come he can say he has not being doing it for a while and can refuse to do the stuff?
I have been seeing him doing the same thing for 3 days already and he is still doing it.
And I have to do stuff that he-has-not-been-doing-for-a-while?

How come he can keep on trying to solve the same problem and still doing it for 3 days?
I still see him trying the silly thing with no direction and still repeating it but failed to fix the problem.
And I am confident to solve it within a day!

Fuck them 2! I was from the same team but never failed to fix anything! I have also not refused to do anything and finish everything assigned.

Why har? Why have I still been told I have the least things to do?!

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