Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Cloude 9 Day

Hey guys, remember the power cords shootout? The power cord that I craved for! The Stealth Cloude 9!

I called the dealer today and he assured me that I'm gonna my Cloude 9 tomorrow!

Omigod, after 3 weeks of agony and pain! Countless sleepless nites! Oh yeah, tomorrow would be declared my Cloude 9 Day!

Hey, if I do not get my Cloude 9 tomorrow, I will burn down the shop. Yeah, maybe slit the throat of the dealer and hang him naked outside of the shop while it burns!

Man, I just love when everything is back on track and in control. At least, I am in control of my beloved hobby!

For a 26 with a setup costing as much as a brand new car is definitely a milestone!

1 comment:

maggielurva 愛美姬 said...

i can hear your orgasms (multiple) from miles please keep the noise down :-)